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Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)
about KEO

Keo is a flexible and dynamic design company, composed of professionals from various backgrounds – researchers, architects, engineers, eco-designers – who fully maximize the experience of different areas in order to keep up with the fast evolution of technological discoveries.

Born in 2005 in Savigliano in Italy, Keo follows the principles of ethical economics and promotes sustainable projects both from the economical and environmental point of view.

Keo’s mission is to propose solutions united with eco-designeco-architectureeco-engineering and eco-communication. Keo uses the market to create richness in an ethical way by applying the principle of environmental sustainability together with sustainability of economics.

Keo develops sustainability that can be defined as “real”, as supported by numbers and measurable data according to the life cycle assessment science. This science measures the actual environmental impact of a product or process.

Keo has chosen to create an environmentally friendly path that coherently connects research, production, distribution, sale and consumption patterns.

Scarce resources, energy crises, mountains of unused waste: the current system is in difficulty. Together with the first and fundamental condition of economical sustainability, Keo’s solutions respect the criteria of environmental sustainability and social equity, essential factors for the development of a project.

Keo also puts into practice the systemic design paradigm according to which the human being is the centre of an economy based on the planning of open industrial cycles, where the output of a system is the input of another, namely: what is waste for someone is raw material for someone else.




KEO PROJECT S.C. - P.IVA 10982200015
info@keoproject.com - Note legali