• ekologic shoptoshop
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    KeoBox è una borsa comoda e robusta che può trasportare fino a 12 chili di peso. É prodotta industrialmente a partire da cartone riciclato
Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)
pulsante_plastica   pulsante_barile  pulsante_strutture pulsante_consulenza pulsante_eventi
"Make money saving the planet" is the slogan which best represents the commitment of Keo. Two are the cornerstones, firmly interwoven, on which the ethical model of Keo is based: the creation of wealth and the communication of values.

Two are also the macro-areas of intervention of Keo. The first one is the offer of a wide range of services to companies in the field of ecological reconversion of the activities, with particular attention to the topic of technological engineering in construction. The second one is the organization of chains which increase the value of waste materials (for example: PET bottles, old barriques, cardboard packaging).

Keo studies and proposes solutions, demonstrated through numbers, able to reduce the environmental footprint of products and production cycles. Assisting entrepreneurs and institutions along their way towards more ecological and cost-incisive behaviours, allows them to communicate sustainability. Diminishing waste production, building a house with zero or low energy consumption or using recycled materials instead of virgin ones as raw material are examples of eco-solutions. An eco-solution is effective only if it is economically worthwhile: in fact, if on one hand it decreases the environmental impact of the activity, on the other it produces an economic gain, in terms of cost reduction and/or in terms of communication increase in value.

Keo starts from the study of waste in a specific geopolitical context and through the analysis of available technologies to its transformation elaborates project ideas, taking their compatibility with the market into account. The concept of ecosustainability is therefore expressed through the non-movement of waste, in respect of which the perspective has to be overturned: from something to get rid of to local development resource.

KEO PROJECT S.C. - P.IVA 10982200015
info@keoproject.com - Note legali