• ekologic shoptoshop
    eko-logic® Shop to Shop è la linea di cestini, carrelli e trolley realizzata in KEOREX®, materiale ottenuto dal riciclo della plastica PET delle bottiglie
  • keohabitat
    KeoHabitat® è un innovativo servizio di consulenza e ingegnerizzazione tecnologica per l'edilizia, in grado di coniugare qualità, benessere, risparmio e sicurezza
  • mrpet
    MrPET è l'innovativo sistema di reverse vending che premia l’impegno dei cittadini nel processo di raccolta differenziata
  • Modulo in Swahili
    Modulo in Swahili è una comoda poltrona facilmente trasformabile in chaise-longue (e viceversa), eventualmente rivestibile in tessuto
  • keobox
    KeoBox è una borsa comoda e robusta che può trasportare fino a 12 chili di peso. É prodotta industrialmente a partire da cartone riciclato
  • lesediedeltorchio
    barrique inutilizzate recuperate le cui doghe diventano la base di una linea di oggetti: sedie, tavoli, sgabelli e poltrone, cofanetti porta-vino...
  • cartona
    Il cartone riciclato è una materia prima di qualità, ideale per produrre, attraverso un processo industriale o artigianale oggetti di design e di comunicazione dalle forme piacevoli e a basso impatto ambientale.
Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)
The KeoHabitat® solutions for an international cooperation project between Poland and Italy
Monday, 27 June 2011 08:46

The Association of Economic Consultants Pro-Akademia (AEC PA) is a non-governmental organisation which provides for assistance in the processes of entrepreneurship development in Poland. Keo and AEC PA will be part of a transnational cooperation project. The main aim of the partnership is to disseminate the KeoHabitat® solutions in the field of energy efficient building by increasing the qualifications of the Polish partners. The project will consist in two parts: a training course to be held in late june 2011 in Poland and a study tour to be held in july in Italy.

Logo_KeoHabitat Polonia1



Friday, 10 June 2011 11:57

GQ Italy presents an overview of the Salone del mobile 2001 in an article entitled "The design becomes environmentally friendly." The Gomitolo chair by LESEDIEDELTORCHIO is among the selected works.

GQ_-_Sedie_del_torchio_-_2011 GQ_logo



Modulo in Swahili at the "Artecittà, art and urban renewal" exhibition
Wednesday, 01 June 2011 09:39

The "Artecittà, art and urban renewal" collective exhibition opens on 10 june 2011 in Biella at the Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto spaces (until 30 december). Keo participates in collaboration with A.titolo by presenting the Modulo in Swahili armchair.

cittadellarte flyer_atitolo2

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Thursday, 26 May 2011 15:13

LESEDIEDELTORCHIO is setting up the interview corner at the Cinemambiente international film festival (Torino, 31 may - 5 june 2011). Cinemambiente is the most important Italian environmental themed festival. The area devoted to the meetings between the protagonists of the films in competition and the press is at the Massimo cinema, the festival headquarters. The selected objects are the Lepre chair, the Puzzle table and the Ritma armchair. The LESEDIEDELTORCHIO project promotes a message of awareness: ecosustainability is art and beauty, and can be embodied in a film as well as in a piece of furniture. Here is the press release by Keo.

Cinemambiente_2 Cinemambiente_1

Michael_Cimino Niccol_Bruna_e_Andrea_Prandstaller




Keo is participating in the I.MA.G.E. first national workshop
Friday, 20 May 2011 15:34

I.MA.G.E. (Torino, 26-27 may 2011) is an Italian acronym which stands for Meetings on the Management of the Green Economy, a two-day discussion conceived and organized by Greenews.info and .Eco. The aim is to give a picture of the green economy in Italy today to form a projection of what will be tomorrow. The focus chosen for 2011 is "Education for the professions of the green economy," a highly topical theme in a moment of deep economic crisis where the need to reconvert professional profiles and create new ones is vital. Here is the programme of the event; the intervention of Keo is expected on may 27.




MrPET in the Envi.info environmental communication portal
Friday, 20 May 2011 08:14

The Envi.info environmental communication portal devotes an article to MrPET, the PET bottles collection system which rewards citizens. The article, written by Francesca Maio, includes an interview with Keo, which planned the chain of recovery and transformation of PET packaging.




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